Dienstag, 1. Januar 2008

Return of the conqueror of music and sound :)

Well well...actually i didn't want to continue this blog while starting a new one with another name, but now it's come to another post.

Some very delicious records in the ambient and psychedelic chill area I have here:

Shulman - Endless Rhythms Of The Beatless Heart (2007)

An eclectic musician from Israel can turn music into beautiful Dörnröschen castles and landscapes with his unique style. He mixes modern electronic music engineering technology with traditional hebraic and indian worldmusic, sometimes in a dub fashion and sometimes interwaved in ethereal athmospheres.


Kattoo - Hang On To A Dream (2005)

This german guy is very adroit in making sinister and experimental soundtrack-like ambient. Especially this album could be the soundtrack to a horror/thriller without dialogues. Picture it yourself!
